victim of remote neural monitoring
(too old to reply)
2012-03-11 16:19:52 UTC
I am victim of RNM. I s there anyway i can survive from RNM?. Is there
any kind of device that blocks RNM ELF waves?. DO you know any
survivers of Remote neural monitoring?

please go through



awaiting for your reply,
Whistle Blower
2012-03-11 19:03:01 UTC
Post by prasad519
I am victim of RNM. I s there anyway i can survive from RNM?. Is there
any kind of device that blocks RNM ELF waves?. DO you know any
survivers of Remote neural monitoring?
please go through
awaiting for your reply,
this link should be of some help to you.


What Is An AFDB?

An Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie (AFDB) is a type of headwear that
can shield your brain from most electromagnetic psychotronic mind
control carriers. AFDBs are inexpensive (even free if you don't mind
scrounging for thrown-out aluminium foil) and can be constructed by
anyone with at least the dexterity of a chimp (maybe bonobo). This
cheap and unobtrusive form of mind control protection offers real
security to the masses. Not only do they protect against incoming
signals, but they also block most forms of brain scanning and mind
reading, keeping the secrets in your head truly secret. AFDBs are safe
and operate automatically. All you do is make it and wear it and
you're good to go! Plus, AFDBs are stylish and comfortable.

What are you waiting for? Make one today!
2012-03-12 14:48:07 UTC
Post by prasad519
I am victim of RNM. I s there anyway i can survive from RNM?. Is there
any kind of device that blocks RNM ELF waves?. DO you know any
survivers of Remote neural monitoring?
please go through
awaiting for your reply,
you know how hard it was to make you write this? stop worrying about how
i did it
2012-03-12 15:14:24 UTC
Post by prasad519
I am victim of RNM. I s there anyway i can survive from RNM?. Is there
any kind of device that blocks RNM ELF waves?. DO you know any
survivers of Remote neural monitoring?
please go through
awaiting for your reply,
you know how hard it was to make you write this? stop worrying about how i
did it
the microprocessers in your car, and on your electric meter radiate radio
frequeicnes into suseptable brains, typically people that have a lot of
dental work with metal fillings, these signals will control you unless you
take precations, the governmint does this by turning up the power on FM
radio stations, filling the airwaves with massive amounts of RF mind
infesting thought control energy,

2012-03-13 03:23:50 UTC
There are 2 rescue shelter cats living here that have those RNM
skills. They start around 5am staring at the deep sleepers beaming
their RNM message "Feed me, feed me" over and over. I suspect their
tails work as antennas as they make a point to brush em right against
folks foreheads Probably so that the energy beams will have a better
penetration, and voila suddenly sound sleepers wake up and say "time
to feed the cats"
2012-03-13 05:48:52 UTC
Post by s***@yahoo.com
There are 2 rescue shelter cats living here that have those RNM
skills. They start around 5am staring at the deep sleepers beaming
their RNM message "Feed me, feed me" over and over. I suspect their
tails  work as antennas as they make a point to brush em right against
folks foreheads Probably so that the energy beams will have a better
penetration, and voila suddenly sound sleepers wake up and say "time
to  feed the cats"
I have 20 chickens who arent so subtle....LOLOL
2012-03-13 10:24:30 UTC
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by s***@yahoo.com
There are 2 rescue shelter cats living here that have those RNM
skills. They start around 5am staring at the deep sleepers beaming
their RNM message "Feed me, feed me" over and over. I suspect their
tails  work as antennas as they make a point to brush em right against
folks foreheads Probably so that the energy beams will have a better
penetration, and voila suddenly sound sleepers wake up and say "time
to  feed the cats"
I have 20 chickens who arent so subtle....LOLOL
The cock that crows at midnight, finds itself in the stew pot the next
morning... :^)
2012-03-13 11:26:29 UTC
Post by sanebow
Post by prasad519
I am victim of RNM. I s there anyway i can survive from RNM?. Is there
any kind of device that blocks RNM ELF waves?. DO you know any
survivers of Remote neural monitoring?
please go through
awaiting for your reply,
you know how hard it was to make you write this? stop worrying about how i
did it
the microprocessers in your car, and on your electric meter radiate radio
frequeicnes into suseptable brains, typically people that have a lot of
dental work with metal fillings, these signals will control you unless you
take precations, the governmint does this by turning up the power on FM
radio stations, filling the airwaves with massive amounts of RF mind
infesting thought control energy,
in brazil?
2015-09-12 05:13:06 UTC
If u are a victim of manipulation please don't hesitate to join victims group on WhatsApp so there we discuss every possible solution so please contact ***@gmail.com or ***@gmail.com
2015-09-12 05:16:01 UTC
Group is open for any victim of any part
2017-09-20 18:52:18 UTC
I am a victim and I can use any advice or help ***@AOL.com. I would appreciate "at-home" remedies seeing as I'm a poor girl..thank you
2017-11-04 18:39:12 UTC
The perpetrators did this to you for money. They put rnm on you to control whether you knew anything. Investigate the person who can read your mind and find out what he did to you for money.
2017-11-04 18:44:10 UTC
There are literatures about RNM and human trafficking!!! Look up.
2015-09-12 05:14:28 UTC
In India
2015-11-02 11:10:50 UTC
Post by prasad519
I am victim of RNM. I s there anyway i can survive from RNM?. Is there
any kind of device that blocks RNM ELF waves?. DO you know any
survivers of Remote neural monitoring?
please go through
awaiting for your reply,
you got me im from fremont ca get a hold of me
Doh UnFukt
2015-11-03 14:45:18 UTC
shorthair fag talk
2016-03-06 04:46:14 UTC
You can try boron carbide you may be able make it or buy it. Put it in paint maybe. It will sheild you from radiation. it may be worth a try, something to look in to. hope this help.
2016-08-17 10:14:46 UTC
It may be possible to jam remote mural monitoring using 555 timer circuit. There are 4 type of brain wave alpha beta delta gamma it's frequncys are 2hz-50hz. Make a jammer for those frequncys.
2016-08-23 21:06:13 UTC
Post by d***@gmail.com
It may be possible to jam remote mural monitoring using 555 timer circuit. There are 4 type of brain wave alpha beta delta gamma it's frequncys are 2hz-50hz. Make a jammer for those frequncys.
Hello. I have spent a lot of time searching how to jam any frequency related to mind control. I suffer from thoughts broadcasting and mind reading + v2k from remote subjects. I would appreciate any help on getting rid any of these problems. I know thoughts reading are related to low freqs and v2k to higher freqs. However all jammer I found only can block standard freqs, like wifi, gsm, gps, etc.

Best Regards.
2016-08-24 15:30:43 UTC
Post by d***@gmail.com
It may be possible to jam remote mural monitoring using 555 timer circuit. There are 4 type of brain wave alpha beta delta gamma it's frequncys are 2hz-50hz. Make a jammer for those frequncys.
Hello. I have spent a lot of time searching how to jam any frequency related to mind control. I suffer from thoughts broadcasting and mind reading + v2k from remote subjects. I would appreciate any help on getting rid any of these problems. I know thoughts reading are related to low freqs and v2k to higher freqs. However all jammer I found only can block standard freqs, like wifi, gsm, gps, etc.

Best Regards.
2016-08-24 22:19:44 UTC
Post by j***@gmail.com
Post by d***@gmail.com
It may be possible to jam remote mural monitoring using 555 timer circuit. There are 4 type of brain wave alpha beta delta gamma it's frequncys are 2hz-50hz. Make a jammer for those frequncys.
Hello. I have spent a lot of time searching how to jam any frequency related to mind control. I suffer from thoughts broadcasting and mind reading + v2k from remote subjects. I would appreciate any help on getting rid any of these problems. I know thoughts reading are related to low freqs and v2k to higher freqs. However all jammer I found only can block standard freqs, like wifi, gsm, gps, etc.
Best Regards.
peace, from experience i'd assume you have too many neurons on in your brain that aren't shutting off, its usually a diet cause from many years of lack of needed daily nutrients,or/& toxins exposed to, even from consumption that the body can't get rid of fast enough. even generations of not able to have a proper healthy diet giving you all the nutrients daily you need for certain genes past over to you from parents science seems to show. even though one may be heavy in weight they could be suffering from malnutrition, such as a lack of 1 or more enough essential amino acids. the amino acid gabba from what doctors have shown me is what turns off too many circuits in the brain, & they have prescription medicine to help that can be prescribed to be taken, plus having the proper diet that includes all the essential amino & enough of them in right amount, plus proper vitamins & ionic minerals, & healthy intestinal flora, is your good breathing bacteria happening enough in your intestinal tract? i had to study thousands of hours mostly on internet, reading material-books/pamphlets etc..., & talking to doctors to understand what they were telling so i may follow they advice that helped greatly, for i didn't trust doctors enough, maybe from too many shots that hurt as a child, taking blood by (jamming) the needle in same place all the time, for i refused any more blood be drawn from a needle, so they gave a urine test that tests for about 16 of the 20 amino acids & other areas that was greatly useful for me to do as they say that included years of certain amino acids supplements plus their prescription medicine, & consuming the proper diet, stopping vegan junk foods & toxic, such as go organic, grow a garden, juice your greens daily, have fresh salads you grow, sprouts can be grown all year. i know not if this will help, but it reads scary what your going through, mine was mostly physical, but it helped make the brain healthier, for one cell speaks to another & when the connection isn't being made from lack of a synapse that the body makes from dha's (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Docosahexaenoic_acid - (DHA) is an omega-3 fatty acid that is a primary structural component of the human brain, cerebral cortex, skin, sperm, testicles and retina)
a heart surgeon asked me to take a couple tablespoonfuls of olive oil daily for it contains much of the omega 3 that the body makes into dha's that make that into synapes that allow the cells to send their information in the brain & other places to the cell needed, (their are other oils also, plus raw nuts daily to obtain omega 3's) neurotransmitters, hormones, etc... are sent from one synapse to another. internet information claims human breast milk has more dha's then any other mammal milk cause we use the brain moreso. dha's are found in certain marine algae seems cold water that fish eat, cod, etc..., so people eat cod liver oil & fish to get that nutrient, but today science grows the marine algae in labs, so it can be bought in vegan capsule form, & i have found it heal short term memory loss i had, & enhanced long term memory. hope this isn't too long, that its too hard to read. so i'd go see doctors ask for their advice, see more then one at different offices, see a psychiatrist, best to get a referral from a doctor. i was doing many amino acids supplements at the time i visited a psychiatrist & the medicine they offered was the same as the amino acids i been consuming as a supplements, so i didn't need to utilize their medicine, but i didn't see the psychiatrist until years after study up on nutrients & utilizing them that the primary care physicians recommended. a junk food vegan diet can kill you, proper nutrients in a vegan diet daily is essential; nuts or grains plus legumes, veggies & fruits daily. a healthy brain should be able to get you what you need, even if an injury has happened to ones brain, healing goes a long way. good luck. peace
2016-08-30 02:26:25 UTC
Post by j***@gmail.com
Post by d***@gmail.com
It may be possible to jam remote mural monitoring using 555 timer circuit. There are 4 type of brain wave alpha beta delta gamma it's frequncys are 2hz-50hz. Make a jammer for those frequncys.
Hello. I have spent a lot of time searching how to jam any frequency related to mind control. I suffer from thoughts broadcasting and mind reading + v2k from remote subjects. I would appreciate any help on getting rid any of these problems. I know thoughts reading are related to low freqs and v2k to higher freqs. However all jammer I found only can block standard freqs, like wifi, gsm, gps, etc.
Best Regards.
peace, i'm guessing that it may be you have too many brain cells turned on & probably stuck on, unable to get a message to the brain cell to shut off from lack of synapses, that the brain utilizes for sending messages from one brain cell to another. doctors in the case i'm describing prescribe gabba that is formed from an amino acid into a neurotransmitter to tone down, restrict activity received. study up on amino acids & ones utilized by the brain & how synapses play a part.
omega 3 a monounsaturated fatty acid the body utilizes to produce synapses. omega 3 is found in raw nuts, olive oil is a good example of a source recommended. before omega 3 becomes a synapse the body turns it into dha's docosahexaenoic acid, wikipedia seems to give a good explanation. 3 types of omega 3's- other 2 are α-linolenic acid (ALA) (found in plant oils), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), dha's are found directly in a marine ocean algae that cod fish eat, but today is made in laboratories in artificial ponds so can be bought like a vitamin over the counter, even in vegan capsules. eating enough raw nuts daily meets daily needs, but people in great need, a couple tablespoons of olive oil 1 or 2 times daily is recommended. check with your doctor.
i hope this is helpful, one way to check if a lack of synapses exist, is there short term memory problems? the dha's cured my short term memory problem & enhances the long term memory. but i don't know if your problem is related, it just seem it may. good luck, best of healing. peace
2016-10-20 16:32:16 UTC
I tried blocked silence elf jammer before.
Here is store link http://www.atomicmall.com/zezustech
2016-03-06 04:46:16 UTC
You can try boron carbide you may be able make it or buy it. Put it in paint maybe. It will sheild you from radiation. it may be worth a try, something to look in to. hope this help.
2016-03-06 04:46:17 UTC
You can try boron carbide you may be able make it or buy it. Put it in paint maybe. It will sheild you from radiation. it may be worth a try, something to look in to. hope this help.
2016-03-06 04:46:20 UTC
You can try boron carbide you may be able make it or buy it. Put it in paint maybe. It will sheild you from radiation. it may be worth a try, something to look in to. hope this help.
2016-05-15 14:40:47 UTC
Post by prasad519
I am victim of RNM. I s there anyway i can survive from RNM?. Is there
any kind of device that blocks RNM ELF waves?. DO you know
please go through
awaiting for your reply,
try yoour alum. foil hat, if that doznt wurk, just ask jesus
2016-10-20 16:24:32 UTC
I tried blocked silence elf hammer before.
Here is store link http://www.atomicmall.com/zezustech
2017-07-27 10:49:04 UTC
Post by prasad519
I am victim of RNM. I s there anyway i can survive from RNM?. Is there
any kind of device that blocks RNM ELF waves?. DO you know any
survivers of Remote neural monitoring?
please go through
awaiting for your reply,
Have you find any way of getting cured from RNM. Please I am a victim of RNM. see if you can help